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Classic Numbers Only Height Chart

$ 100.00 AUD
Stain *
Add-ons:Personal Message-For back of chart - $10.00
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Personal Message:
If selected, enter your message here and it will be engraved into the back of your height chart.
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Just want the growth ruler? We have it covered with lots more space to record the entire family's measurements.


Like the classic style of this growth chart but wish to personalise for your family or as a gift? Head on over to The Original Height Chart

Numbers Only Height Chart

Is your family huge! or a super super extended family? The numbers only height chart is perfect, leaving a lot more space for recording all of your special people's growth milestones. This chart is yet another option for blended families, have everyone involved!

Wooden Height Chart Information

Standard chart is made from a softwood and weighs approximately 5kg, measurements are in cm and reads from 25cm to 208.5cm and the chart is 183.5cm in length

A permanent marker can be used to record heights on the chart

Charts are only for internal use and should not be hung in an area of extreme heat.

Each ruler is individually produced and can take up to 30 days to manufacture.  Manufacture time can potentially be longer during periods of high demand. The height chart is then dispatched via Courier, please provide a physical address for delivery.

Ships only within Australia




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